Shareholding of WEB SA

The subscribed share capital is set at €11,062,885.50. It is represented by 3,502,882 shares with no par value, all fully paid up and conferring the same rights and advantages.

Mr Robert Jean WAGNER (founder and sole director of Stichting Administratiekantoor Valaur) controls Stiching Administratiekantoor Valaur, which controls W.E.B. Property Services SA, Société Patrimoniale à Portefeuille SA and WEB SA.

Mr Robert Jean WAGNER, Ms Claire FONTAINE, Ms Valérie WAGNER, Mr Robert Laurent WAGNER, SA Société Patrimoniale à Portefeuille, SA WE.B. Property Services, SA VLIM and Stichting Administratiekantoor Valaur are the subject of a concert on WEB SA.

VLIM SA is not subject to any exclusive or joint control.

Based on the declarations received the shareholding structure is as follows:

Nombre total des actions émises par WEB SA au 08/05/2024

3 502 882


Nombre d’actions détenues par les actionnaires de concert

1 909 103


Réparti comme suit :

  1. Stichting Administratie Kantoor Valaur
  2. SPP SA
  3. VLIM SA
  4. Valérie WAGNER
  5. Robert Laurent WAGNER
  6. Robert Jean WAGNER
  7. WEPS SA

1 274 361
336 545
215 000
50 000
21 197
10 000
2 000


Free float
dont :
Ageas SA

1 593 779

154 752




All of WEB SA shareholders are treated the same, and the Company ensures that their rights are respected. All shares of WEB SA hold the same voting rights.

In accordance with the conditions, deadlines and procedures stipulated by the law of 2 May 2007 on the publication of significant holdings in issuers whose shares are admitted for trading on a regulated market, each natural or legal person who, directly or indirectly, acquires or sells securities of the Company conferring voting rights is required to inform the Company and the FSMA of the number and percentage of voting rights it holds since this acquisition/disposal, when the voting rights attached to the securities in its possession go above or below the legal threshold of 5%.

The legal and statutory threshold for transparency declarations is set at 3% of the total number of issued shares admitted to trading on a regulated market. All WEB SA shares have the same voting rights.

Declarations of crossing the threshold (transparency declarations) must be sent promptly and at the latest within four trading days to the attention of Mrs. Caroline WAGNER (

Transparency declarations