
Listed since 01 October 1998 on Euronext Brussels, WEB SA closed its 25th financial period on 31 December 2023.

Given the results of WEB SA for the 2023financial year, the Board of Directors proposed to the Ordinary General Meeting of 23 April 2024, which confirmed the same, the distribution of a dividend of €3.35 gross per share, paid on May 3,2024. The distributed percentage compared to the corrected results would amount to 88.76% as opposed to 90.56% for the previous financial period.

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Intrinsic share value 52.90 € 53.46 € 51.46 € 50.14 € 49.60 €
Market share price on the closing date 36.40 € 36.70 € 42.00 € 42.40 € 60.00 €
Annual average market share price 36.44 € 38.55 € 40.75 € 49.72 € 53.96 €
Gross amount per share 3.35 € 3.29 € 2.84 € 3.15 € 3.50 €
Gross return on the annual average market share price 9.19% 8.54% 6.97% 6.34% 6.49%
Percentage distributed in relation to results 88,76% 90.56% 90.06% 98.11% 91.56%